
Capital Campaign

 Meeting the Needs of the Future — Building Campaign


We’ve made great progress on the campaign thus far! The campaign brochure has been printed and we are anxiously looking forward to sharing it with the congregation. Also, our quiet period is coming to a close, with much success, raising over a third of the needed capital. Additionally, the list of funding opportunities is being finalized for those who want to leave a named legacy to the synagogue. Finally, we are in the process of forming a committee, for those who are interested in serving in a leadership capacity.

Scope of the Project

At Temple Adas Israel we come together in times of prayer and celebration throughout the Jewish life cycle. Our physical building must accommodate our needs, but we are bursting at the seams—and not just on the High Holy Days. As a result, we need additional classrooms, worship, meeting, programming, and celebration space. We also need more welcoming, flexible, and technologically modernized spaces.

This Campaign will create technologically-enabled flexible classrooms with multiple functionalities, refresh the early childhood center, upgrade building systems for handicap accessibility, and build cross-functional spaces for worship, community, and social events.

Ways to Get Involved

There are many ways to get involved to help ensure a successful campaign. Here are ways in which you can help:

  • Join the Campaign Committee: This is one of the rare opportunities to be on a synagogue committee, which has a limited timeframe. Our committee consists of lay leaders from the congregation who can serve as ambassadors of the campaign. This group meets semi-regularly to make important decisions about the campaign and involve the entire community in this fundraising initiative by soliciting gifts. The time commitment is finite and is defined by the volunteer. Plus, the impact of the committee will be visible for generations and this does not go without recognition.

  • Help Spread the Word: We are counting on 100% participation from our community. Thus, it is important that the entire congregation knows about the campaign and provides support. Helping to spread the word includes calling and emailing congregants to share the plans and hear feedback on this project.

  • Host a Campaign Event: The Campaign is, in addition to a fundraising effort, a community building effort. Therefore, it is key that our full congregation learns and is inspired by the plans for the future of the Temple. Hosting an event will help provide a forum for community members to ask questions and learn about the plans directly from the campaign leadership.

  • Make a Gift: This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make a major impact on the future of our synagogue and our community. Gifts of all sizes are welcome as are pledges over a number of years or planned gifts.

To learn more about ways to get involved, click here to send us an email.
