
Caring Program


The Temple Caring Program provides a vital service to our community.

If you are dealing with a death in the family (Nichum Aveilim), or you’re coping with an illness in the hospital or recovery at home (Bikur Cholim), we have a roster of volunteers ready to assist in a variety of ways. The Caring Program is staffed entirely by temple member volunteers, and we’re happy to be available for those in need. Please call the Temple Office Manager at 631-725-0904 and we will respond to your need as quickly as possible. If you get a recording, please leave a message and someone will return your call as soon as we possibly can. In the event of a death, please call the Rabbi's number on the recording; 631-725-0904 x102 or Rabbi@templeadasisrael.org.. If you do not reach him, call the Temple Office.

Visiting the Sick

Bikur Cholim (Visiting the Sick) is a national program designed to make those who are ill feel more comfortable and less isolated both in the hospital and at home. Based on that program, we have a roster of temple member volunteers who are ready to provide various services to the sick or home-bound. The range of our assistance includes hospital and home visits, phone calls, providing a meal and shopping, to a limited extent.

Comforting Mourners

Fulfilling the mitzvah of Nichum Aveilim (Comforting Mourners), is an important function at Temple Adas Israel. We work hard to assure that temple members who experience a death in the family can quickly access help with attending to details of burial and shiva. This is vitally important in making a difficult time easier. The rabbi and temple members who coordinate this activity are responsible for assisting members with all funeral and burial arrangements and providing seudat havra'ah, or meal of consolation, following burial. They also arrange evening minyan services at the home of mourners during the period of shiva. If you need our help please call the rabbi and and Temple Office

Volunteering in the Caring Program

If you wish to volunteer in this program
1. for a shiva minyan
2. to visit someone who is ill or home-bound
3. to make a simple meal

Contact Caring Program Director Gail Gambino or call the Temple Office at 631-725-0904 and Gail will be in touch with you.